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9th Grade Information

~Freshmen—To Do: 

· Take challenging classes in core academic subjects. Most colleges require four years of English, at least three years of social studies (history, civics, geography, economics, etc.), four years of mathematics, and three years of science, and many require two years of a foreign language. Check UCCS Biomedical Courses, CU Denver English Courses. Use for FREE test and subject help. 

· Focus on your grades now. When asked, many Juniors & Seniors wish they had focused on their academics as 9th graders. 

· Work with a parent/guardian to estimate your financial aid using FAFSA4caster found on under “Thinking About College?” section and start saving for college. 

· Volunteerism for Life! - Get involved in school- or community-based activities that interest you or let you explore career interests. Consider working, volunteering, and/or participating in academic enrichment programs, summer workshops, and camps with specialty focuses such as music, arts, or science. Remember—it’s quality (not quantity) that counts. 

· Ask your school counselor or teacher what honors courses and/or other college credit courses are available, whether you are eligible, and how to enroll. Check for precollegiate programs at local colleges. 

· Set up an account and use Naviance. Use this website for College & Career Searching and your ICAP. 

· Create a College Admissions/Scholarships Resume with a list of your awards, honors, paid and volunteer work, and extracurricular activities. Update it throughout high school. 

· Visit for FREE class and SAT prep. Seek out extra help and tutoring to improve your skills and grades. If you're struggling in a subject, get help so it doesn’t impact your future. Preplan Oct PSAT. 

· Visit Colleges – Check with your school counselor to see if there are any other college readiness programs you can participate in. If you happen to find yourself near a campus, take an hour to go on the campus tour. This early exploration will make it easier to come up with a short list of colleges in your junior and senior years.


· Extracurricular Activities - By 9th grade you should be focusing on a couple extracurricular activities-volunteering in areas that you're passionate about. Colleges are looking for students with varied interests and evidence of leadership potential. 

· Seek out extra tutoring or help to improve your skills and grades. Ask a teacher/mentor for help.

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